Films4Transparency presents: The Silence of Others (2018)
*This event is hosted at the Texel Cinema.
Organised by Transparency International EU
Presented by Leo Hoffmann-Axthelm, Research & Advocacy Coordinator, Transparency International EU
Preceded by the short film "The Pink Hair Whistleblower" on the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Seven years in the making, The Silence of Others tells the story of victims and survivors of Franco’s 40-year crimes against humanity, who continue to fight for justice against state-imposed amnesia of his reign of terror. The film’s rollout in Spain – starting with major Spanish film festivals in October, cinemas nationwide in November and a likely national TV broadcast in the next spring – coincides with the fall of the conservative government. The centre-left administration is receptive to “historic memory” issues making this documentary the right tool, in the right place, at the right political and cultural moment to catalyse public support for justice.
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