How can Activists engage on transnational, crossborder and intersectional levels?
*This event is hosted at the Democratise Europe pavilion.
Organised by European May and European Alternatives
On the starting day of the festival, European May and European Alternatives will organise a Lab to exchange ideas and narratives to mobilise people for a transnational and progressive Europe. We will present the work that has been done by transnational activists in Europe, the plans ahead of the elections and different projects where you can still join. After the introductions we will create a setting for citizens, civil society organisations and activists to synergise their plans and make each other stronger.
European May is a transnational campaign organized by a collective of activists, individuals, organisations and concerned Europeans. In the context of the Summit in Sibiu and the elections for the European Parliament in May 2019, European May aims to connect and unite people, grassroots initiatives, social movements and unions across the continent for a progressive rethinking of Europe. Come and join us during the Lab to exchange ideas, get inspired and synergise our actions and plans!
Liza Saris, Co-coordinator of European May and founder of "Where is Europe". Liza Saris has been travelling through Europe to talk with and interview as many different Europeans as possible to test how we can 'talk about Europe'. Now she has been coordinating the European May project and is responsible for the Public Communications team. She will share her experiences with Storytelling in Europe and how to engage people to talk about 'Europe' and transnationalising our struggles.
Chris Hellwig, recently graduated in Visual and Cultural Anthropology with her movie Urban Cultivators. With her camera she tells stories about how developments make people re-think their identities. She went along to the transnational mobilising meeting in Warsaw organized by European Alternatives and filmed the activists while working on their projects. She will share their stories in a beautiful film that will be screened during the Working Lab.
Marius Schlageter, Co-coordinator of European May and a German EU Youth Delegate. He has been active in many activists campaigns but is also successful in influencing the European policy level by representing the European Youth Forum in 2017 at Gothenburg. He will share his expertise on mobilising young people and the barriers they have to overcome to be heard on the EU level. As an initiator of the European May Action Week, and responsible for the community organising, he will share his magic tricks to get young people to be active
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